E2E Academy Sdn Bhd

E2E Academy is deeply committed to delivering exceptional “Education to Entrepreneur” training programs. Our unwavering advocacy revolves around cultivating “Mind SmartAbility” – a harmonious blend of financial literacy, morality, and character development with a focus on long-term sustainability and social responsibility.

By embracing the concept of “Mind SmartAbility,” we empower individuals to attain a profound understanding of financial matters while upholding strong moral values and cultivating and continuously practicing financial good habits. We encourage individuals to embrace the joy of learning, embrace new ideas, and constantly seek opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills through lifelong learning and practicing. 

We have trained children in financial literacy at many primary schools including B40 kids, orphanages, persons with disabilities (OKU), and refugee situations, we empower them to build a solid financial foundation, make informed choices, and pursue economic opportunities. This can have a transformative impact on their lives, enabling them to overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and break the cycle of poverty, especially transforming them from requesting donations to self-reliance and being able to contribute back to society as early as possible.

Project Results / Impact on Stakeholder

We have trained thousands of students from primary schools all over Malaysia. In Jan 2023 we trained 390 orphanages from Selangor and the orphanages learned financial literacy and survivorship. The continuous training resulted in transforming them from requesting donations to self-reliance and being able to contribute back to society as early as possible.

Link to Website / Social Media / Blogs

  1. e2eacademy.co
  2. https://www.facebook.com/E2EAcademyGroup
  3. https://www.facebook.com/MasterMoneyKidsMMK
  4. https://fb.watch/ltuBYOep5Q/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  5. https://fb.watch/ltqsFZ5bXH/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  6. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02E7pkamF6mspF48kZHo4bZiBfy9cHkefNTmUXjJvA8aPZBDRVQp7sPFCcdgNmpUXwl&id=100076927901213&mibextid=Nif5oz

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